Employee Provident Fund is a scheme which provides retirement benefits and is applicable to all salaried employees in India. EPF registration is compulsory for all the companies/organisations employing more than 20 individuals, including both temporary and permanent employees. Organizations employing less than 20 personnel, can voluntarily register themselves. Companies which expand to a strength of 20 members need to register themselves within one month from the time of reaching this strength. In addition, penalties are applicable for delays in registration for Employee Provident Fund.
Co-operative societies need to register when their employee strength increases to 50 or more. While registered organisations continue to be under the rules and regulations of the Act even if their employee strength falls below the minimum specified number.
An employer can choose to register either offline or online. Although, it is preferable to register through the online mode. You can download the registration form, from the official website of the Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation, www.epfindia.gov.in.
Employers need to give the following details to successfully register themselves.
Name and address of the company
Head office and branch details
Mention date of incorporation/registration of company
Fill up details of employees – total employee strength
Activities the business/enterprise is involved in – i.e. manufacturing, production, service, etc.
Legal details – This is related to legal status of a company, i.e. whether it is a private firm/public company, partnership or society, etc.
Owner details, including designation and address of Directors and partners
Particulars related to wages of employees, i.e. total wages paid out during a month
Details of bank with whom company have banking relationship
PAN details
Basic information of employee (name, date of joining, salary, etc.)
A form titled “Proforma for Coverage” needs to be filled up containing the details mentioned above to finish the registration process. In addition to this Proforma for Coverage, employers have to submit Form 5A with Annexure 1 to complete the formalities.
Documents required
Employers are expected to provide certain documents as proof of registration of Employee Provident Fund in order to successfully register, a list of which are mentioned below.
Copy of partnership deed if the company is a partnership firm
A copy of the Certificate of incorporation for a Public or Private Limited Company, issued by the Registrar of Companies
Societies need to provide a copy of their registration certificate
Societies need to provide a copy of the rules and objectives of the society
Public and Private Limited Companies are required to submit a copy of the MOA and AOA
All legal documents required under the Income Tax Act
PAN details of company
Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)
Partition deed
Proof of incorporation – first sales invoice/ license issued by the authorities
Details related to the salary of employees
Balance sheet details
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