New Pan card application


The Permanent Account Number (PAN) is a unique ten-digit alphanumeric number which is printed on a PAN card. It is issued by the Income Tax Department under the Income Tax Act, 1961 and serves as a proof of identity for all taxpayers – individuals and entities – in many situations, especially when performing any kind of financial transaction in the country. With the online facility introduced by the I-T department, availing a new PAN card or making changes/corrections in existing PAN card is now possible without any hurdle or delays. Delivering e-governance services with an industry exposure of two decades, Alankit Limited has emerged as a trusted and leading provider of PAN card related services in India, having more than 3500 centres TIN-Facilitation (TIN-FCs) and PAN centres across cities.

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How to Apply for new PAN Card


The Permanent Account Number is a unique and permanent set of figures that remains unchanged throughout the lifespan of the PAN holder. It is mandatory to have a PAN card for executing various tasks such as filing income tax returns, investing in securities or property, availing banking facilities, to name a few. Entities and individuals, who qualify themselves under the bracket of taxpayers in India and wish to have financial transactions, should apply for a fresh PAN Card. Having a PAN card is a must for non-resident Indians (NRIs) living outside India and even foreign passport holders. Also, minors can apply for a PAN card through a representative assessee.

fresh PAN card should be applied for if the Permanent Account Number has not already been allotted to the individual or entity. The procedure starts with filling and submitting an application form. It is to be noted that there are two kinds of application form – Form 49A for applicants who are Indian Citizens and Indian companies within India and Form 49AA for entities and individuals residing outside India. Relevant documents for identity verification as well as a processing fee are also required to be submitted by the applicants.

For offline support, applicants can approach any of the authorised TIN-Facilitation (TIN-FCs) and PAN centres by Alankit where dedicated professionals are there to guide them through all the stages of PAN card. Alankit guarantees exceptional services and timely assistance to potential applicants through a huge country-wide presence and strong overseas network in over 673 cities and 6120 business locations. Applicants can also visit the official website of the company and submit their application forms online to receive the PAN card faster.

Online PAN Application – Steps for filling


The easiest way to get a PAN card is by making an online PAN application as it ensures faster processing compared to the manual procedure. Through a user-friendly website and availability of prompt online assistance, Alankit enables the applicants to effortlessly fill and submit the forms. The online PAN Application process includes a few easy steps as mentioned below:

  1. Step 1: Applicants must download the pan card application form by visiting the Alankit website. They should make a careful selection of the right form – Form 49a for Indian citizens and entities and Form 49aa those residing outside India.
  2. Step 2: The form should be filled with relevant details after thoroughly reading the instructions. Dedicated professionals at Alankit are responsible for offering guidance and updating the applicants with the rules of filling the form. This is important as even a minor mistake in the form can delay the processing time.
  3. Step 3: The applicants should take note of the do’ and don’ts. They should refrain from overwriting in the document, providing any unwanted information and using staple pins on the photograph. Applicants should provide precise information as requested in the form along with clear signature only in the designated box.
  4. Step 4: Along with the form, applicants must provide supporting documents for verification purpose, such as valid proof of identity (POI) and valid proof of address (POA). If the applicants are foreign nationals, they should provide their citizenship identification number, passport copy or copy of PIO card, etc. while companies and other corporate entities must provide their copy of registration allotted by any competent authority in India (for running office in India) or their respective country of given location (if they have no offices in India).
  5. Step 5: After the successful submission of forms and documents, the applicants need to pay process charges fee. Executives at Alankit office are responsible for collecting, reviewing and submitting the applications to the PAN Department.

Documents required for filling New PAN


The documents which individual applicants using Form 49a can submit as proof of identity are Elector’s photo identity card, driving license, passport, ration card, Aadhar card issued by UIDAI, Photo Identity Card issued by the central/state government or any public sector undertaking, central government health scheme card, etc.

The documents which individual applicants using Form 49a can submit as proof of address include Elector’s photo identity card, driving license, Passport, Bank Account Statement, Credit Card Statement, Landline Telephone or Broadband Connection Bill, Electricity Bill, Post Office Passbook having address of the applicant, Aadhar Card issued by UIDAI, Allotment Letter of Accommodation issued by the Central or State Government, Property Registration document, etc.


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